



RT @GoalsYearbook: Companies must fulfill their due diligence obligations carefully, among other reasons, because relevant stakeholders cou…
RT @GPTInnovations: At #COP26: The Carbon Transparency Partnership just launched a framework for calculating #emissions from #supplychains.…
RT @GoalsYearbook: The year 2021 has seen an increase in legislative initiatives regulating human rights and the environmental due diligenc…
RT @INATBA_org: Check out our new infographic from our #blockchain for #socialimpact report to learn more about the role of the @UN #SDGs a…
RT @jlauxi: Darf ich vorstellen: Ritter iPoint - Hüter der Nachhaltigkeit. ⁦@iPointWorld⁩ #iPoint ⁦@fff_reutlingen⁩ ⁦@GrueneReutlingn⁩ ⁦@I…