Welcome to iPoint's News Archive!


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iPoint’s new Headquarters Building
Since December 15th, 2014, the new company headquarters of iPoint-systems are up and running. Only a few steps away from the current location, the new…
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The EU Ecodesign Directive – Meet the requirements with the iPoint Compliance Agent
Elevators, hairdryers, vacuum cleaners, toasters, lawnmowers – the Ecodesign Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council (2009/125/EC) is…
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20,000 companies using iPoint Conflict Minerals Platform
The software specialist iPoint-systems has reached another important milestone: On November 4th, the 20,000th company registered as a user of the…
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More than 19,500 customers
iPoint-systems has reached another milestone: in October 2014, the 19,500th company registered as a user of the iPoint Conflict Minerals Platform…
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RoHS 2 – Medical Devices and other Electrical and Electronic Equipment affected by RoHS Recast
RoHS regulates the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment and parts. With RoHS the European Union wants to…
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IMDS Release 9.0 changes fully implemented in iPCA Release 10
On June 12th, 2014, HP announced further changes which went productive on June 23rd, 2014. These changes were also implemented by iPoint in a timely…
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Even Stronger Presence in Japan
iPoint-systems has concluded a strategic partnership in Japan for its products with NTT DATA Enterprise Application Services. NTT DATA Enterprise…
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iPoint Strengthens U.S. Team
Reutlingen, Germany, June 05, 2014 – iPoint-systems continues to increase its presence in the U.S. market by hiring three new staff members for its…
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Awards for iPoint-systems
With the “Distinguished Committee Service Award”, the Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC) honored Joerg Walden, CEO of iPoint-systems,…
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Well Trained in Japan
Leading Japanese technology consulting firm JAPAN NUS Co., Ltd. becomes iPoint training partner
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iPoint's Conflict Minerals study for European Commission published
As part of the impact assessment process of the EU's Conflict Minerals inititative, the European Commission charged iPoint with the task of analyzing…
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iPoint and IHS Sign Partner Agreement
In IHS, the globally operating analysis and information specialist from the USA, iPoint-systems has gained an important sales and service partner for…
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iPoint and IHS enter into Conflict Minerals Compliance Portal and Content Services Agreement
IHS Inc. (NYSE: IHS) and iPoint-systems gmbh announced today that they have entered into an agreement that allows IHS to resell the iPoint Conflict…
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11,000th company uses iPoint Conflict Minerals Platform
The software specialist iPoint-systems has reached a milestone: On 20th January, the 11,000th company registered as a user of the iPoint Conflict…


| events
December 9: IPA ExFo Closing Convention in Stuttgart, Germany
Meet iPoint’s experts on Tuesday, December 9th, in Stuttgart at the public closing convention of the IPA Expert Forum Product Development and Product…
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December 9: WSM Environment and Energy Day 2014 in Hagen, Germany
On Tuesday, December 9th, iPoint is attending the Environment and Energy Day of WSM (Wirtschaftsverband Stahl- und Metallverarbeitung e.V.), the…
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November 17-20: “Going Green - CARE INNOVATION 2014” conference in Vienna, AT
From November 17th-20th, the “Going Green CARE INNOVATION 2014” conference will be held at the Schoenbrunn Palace Conference Centre in Vienna, AT.…
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November 13-14: oikos Conference in St. Gallen, Switzerland
The 26th oikos conference takes place on November 13th and 14th at the University of St. Gallen. This year, the international conference attends to…
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November 12: Career Talk day at Reutlingen University
On November 12th, iPoint is participating in the Career Talk day at Reutlingen University’s Computer Science Department. From 11 a.m. onwards, we are…
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October 15: Supply Chain Sustainability Summit in New York, NY
The conference will explore new approaches in ethical practices, compliance and risk mitigation, also addressing topics like technology, data…
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October 8-9, 2014: IMDS & Product Chemical Compliance Conference
At this conference, you will have the chance to hear from some of the top automotive industry experts, including OEMs as well as suppliers and…
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September 29-30: Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative Workshop in Burlingame, CA
The upcoming 14th CFSI Workshop will take place in Burlingame, California, on September 29th and 30th. The focus will be on experiences and lessons…
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September 18 & 19: Medical Electronics Symposium in Portland, OR
Hosted by iNEMI, MEPTEC, and SMTA, this international conference at Marylhurst University focuses on advances in electronic technologies and advanced…
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September 18: Responsible Procurement & Supplier Engagement Conference in Birmingham
Through a series of case study presentations, the conference provides insight into how to engage with suppliers properly to ensure that sustainability…
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August 14, 2014: AIAG Conflict Minerals Industry Briefing III in Southfield, MI
This event is an opportunity to obtain updates on leading global initiatives to support due diligence reporting. Best practices will be shared and…
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July 23: Webinar “Conflict Minerals: Lessons of First Year Reporting / Foundations for 2014 Reporting”
With the first SEC reporting deadline now behind us, iPoint, US Analysis and Information Specialist IHS, and the Electronic Components Industry…
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July 13-18: 20th IFORS Conference in Barcelona, Spain
Meet iPoint’s experts at the 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) in Barcelona, Spain. On July…
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July 10: IPC Conference in Santa Clara, CA
Meet iPoint on July 10th in Santa Clara, CA, at the IPC-hosted conference “Conflict Minerals: Staying Current in a Changing Landscape” in Chicago and…
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June 25-27: iPoint and NTT DATA Enterprise Application Services at the “Design Engineering and Manufacturing Solutions Expo” in Tokyo, Japan
The 25th Design Engineering and Manufacturing Solutions Expo (DMS) will take place on June 25th – 27th at Tokyo Big Sight, Japan. You can find us at…
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June 23-25: Conflict Minerals Reporting and Supply Chain Transparency Conference
Meet iPoint’s experts from June 23rd to 25th in Chicago, IL at the 2nd edition of the „Conflict Minerals Reporting and Supply Chain Transparency“…
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June 4: iPoint at the CLEPA Materials Regulations Event
This event, hosted by the European Association of Automotive Suppliers CLEPA, focuses on subjects such as the EU Chemicals Regulation REACH, IMDS…
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April 9-10: iPoint at the AIAG Corporate Responsibility Summit
Our experts will give two presentations - “Transparency in the Supply Chain – Update on International Conflict Minerals Compliance, Legislation and…
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March 31-April 3: CARTS International 2014 in Santa Clara, CA, USA
Sponsored by the Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA), CARTS International is the leading technical conference for the world's passive…
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March 17-18: Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative Workshop in Brussels
On March 17th and 18th the 13th Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative Workshop will be held in Brussels. At the Workshop you will have the opportunity to…
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March 11-12: Chemical Watch Global Supply Chain Workshop in Brussels
On March 11th and 12th the Chemical Watch Global Supply Chain Workshop will be held in Brussels. At the Workshop you will have the opportunity to…
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February 20, 2014 1.30pm ET: Webcast on Conflict Minerals Compliance (1 CPE credit)
On February 20th, Dan Hertzberg will be speaking on behalf of iPoint-systems for the Compliance Week webcast series focusing on Conflict Minerals. H…
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February 19: iPoint at the VDI-DGQ regional meeting in Wuppertal, Germany
On February 19th, iPoint’s Compliance Consultant Julia Galehr is giving a talk on “‘Conflict Minerals & Sustainable Supply Chain’ – Challenges and…
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February 18-20: GreenBiz Forum 2014 in Phoenix
Presented in partnership with The Sustainability Consortium and ASU’s Global Institute of Sustainability, the GreenBiz Forum brings together thought…
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February 10, 2014: Green Jobs conference in Washington, D.C.
On February 10th and 11th, BlueGreen Alliance is hosting this year’s „Good Jobs, Green Jobs“ conference in Washington, D.C. The conference is…
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iPoint at the German Chemical Regulations Day 2014
Experts from authorities (e.g. ECHA), industry and advocacy will be discussing and clarifying current developments concerning REACH and resultant…


Enhancing urban mobility: Anyone for bicycle freedom?
As discussed a couple of weeks ago in this blog (here), cycling has long been understood as a super-efficient mode of transport. So it is no surprise…
A taste of Velo-efficiency
I once read that a human being on a bicycle is the most efficient means by which any animal has ever moved through space. Indeed, it is a claim often…
The TTIP: Partnership or legal straitjacket?
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership(TTIP) currently under negotiation between the US and the EU has been billed as a free trade deal.…
Unburnable Carbon: Bill McKibben’s frightening math
An article by veteran American environmental campaigner Bill McKibben appearing in Rolling Stone a couple of years ago framed the issue of dealing…
Open source for climate innovation
Nobody is likely to argue with the claim that innovation is at the root of human prosperity. So it is hardly surprising that technological innovation…
Resource Efficiency III: The Quarry and the Factory
One of the more frustrating aspects of research is when the data will not conform to ones expectations. This article consumed much more of my time…
Resource efficiency II: Offshoring resource consumption
Last year the Economist magazine claimed that “While America and Europe are cutting their emissions by 60m tonnes a year combined, China is increasing…
Resource Efficiency: Measuring and Managing Metabolism
Last week’s offering from this blog flew under the banner of “The Circular Economy” – a concept so broad that it might well have been labelled…
The Circular Economy: Another ‘Industrial Revolution’?
The big boys who meet at the annual World Economic Forum at Davos aren’t really into warm fuzzy ideas. For them, money talks and bullshit walks. So…
The greening of construction (Part III): Buildings Ratings tools in international context
In the first article in this series a couple of weeks ago, I suggested that the trend towards sustainability in the construction sector was being…
The greening of construction (Part II): International development of EPDs
Unless you have been living under a rock, or on the wrong side of the digital divide in a slum, you will be aware that last week I introduced the idea…
The greening of construction (Part I): Overview
In recent years humankind reached a significant milestone when we became a predominantly urban species. This trend towards urbanization is part of the…
From footprints to handprints: clutching at straws?
A couple of years ago TIME magazine rated Handprints among the “10 ideas that are changing your life”. This statement would tend to suggest that…
A New Development Paradigm?
‘Development’ might be a fuzzy concept, but it is essentially concerned with fostering conditions that are socially desirable. Despite the…
How fashionable is industrial ecology?
Once a year, selected master’s degree students from some of the world’s leading design schools – namely NSCAD University, Halifax, Canada;…
A Disruptive EU? : Environmental Technology Verification Comes to Europe
An innovation with a proven track record is hardly an innovation. Any innovator is familiar with the conundrum of bringing new products, processes and…
Product environmental footprinting: Harmonization or proliferation of standards?
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a means of determining the environmental impact of a product, process or activity. It abstracts that “thing” from its…
How to dismantle the resource efficiency black box in chemical industries
“From Sustainability Reporting to Sustainability Management Control” is the title of the 17th Annual International Conference of the Environmental and…


RT @GoalsYearbook: Companies must fulfill their due diligence obligations carefully, among other reasons, because relevant stakeholders cou…
RT @GPTInnovations: At #COP26: The Carbon Transparency Partnership just launched a framework for calculating #emissions from #supplychains.…
RT @GoalsYearbook: The year 2021 has seen an increase in legislative initiatives regulating human rights and the environmental due diligenc…
RT @INATBA_org: Check out our new infographic from our #blockchain for #socialimpact report to learn more about the role of the @UN #SDGs a…
RT @jlauxi: Darf ich vorstellen: Ritter iPoint - Hüter der Nachhaltigkeit. ⁦@iPointWorld⁩ #iPoint ⁦@fff_reutlingen⁩ ⁦@GrueneReutlingn⁩ ⁦@I…