Welcome to iPoint's News Archive!


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Vacation close-down 2017/18
From December 24th, 2017, to January 7th, 2018, iPoint's headquarters in Reutlingen as well as our offices in Munich and Vienna are closed for…
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iPoint's Christmas Donation 2017
iPoint-systems already has a long-standing tradition of using the holiday season as an opportunity to provide financial support to non-profit and…
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Customer magazine "iPoints" 04
Our customer magazine iPoints keeps you up to date about product innovations and provides the latest news about iPoint, compliance, and…
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iPoint Joins UN Global Compact
  iPoint is proud to announce that it has become a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest and most widely embraced…
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iPoint supports NIBE on their path to making the world more sustainable
iPoint is proud to announce that its flagship software, the iPoint Compliance Agent, has been selected by NIBE Industrier AB to achieve their…
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Draft directives on RoHS exemptions published
The drafts are long awaited as the exemptions in Annex III were already supposed to expire in July 2016. Since there has not been a decision from the…
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European Commission publishes guidelines on non-financial reporting
FAQs The FAQs answer basic questions like - What will change? What information has to be disclosed and how? - Who is subject to the reporting…
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iPoint-systems honored as SME innovation leader
This year, iPoint-systems gmbh is among the most innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Germany. During the Deutscher…
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Mechanical engineering giant trusts iPoint to ensure non-toxic products
A major German multinational corporation from the mechanical engineering industry trusts and relies on the iPoint Compliance Agent for efficient…
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Customer magazine "iPoints"
Our customer magazine iPoints keeps you up to date about product innovations and provides the latest news about iPoint, compliance, and…
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iPoint publishes Circular Economy e-book
Statutory regulations and political initiatives in relation to the Circular Economy, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), REACH, and further…
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CMRT 5.0 - What's new?
The most recent version of the template CMRT 5.0 was released in May 2017 and replaces the previous version, CMRT 4.20.
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iPoint Customer Emerson Wins EH&S Innovation Award
Independent research firm Verdantix has recognized Emerson with an Environment Health & Safety (EH&S) Innovation Award. The multinational technology…
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Conflict Minerals Regulation Signed into EU Law
Today, the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, signed the legal text of the…
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iPoint CEO among Germany's smartest innovators
Who are the people whose innovations shape our view of the world? The reporters of the leading German business newspaper Handelsblatt embarked on a…
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Conflict Minerals EU: Parliament Adopts Draft Regulation
Today, the members of the European Parliament passed a legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the…
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Companies’ Anti-Slavery Performance Improves, iPoint-funded Study Reveals
We are excited to announce the release of a new comprehensive benchmarking report which evaluates brands on their anti-slavery compliance with the…
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iPoint Opens New Office in Los Angeles
iPoint is pleased to announce the opening of a new US office in the greater Los Angeles area. With the new US office, iPoint's constantly growing…
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iPoint and DEKRA present REACH compliance app
Plasticizers are repeatedly cited as being hazardous to people's health. They're to be found in plastics and can find their way into the human body…
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4 new substances of very high concern added to the candidate list
Straight after the publication of those substances, information requirements according to article 33 of the REACH regulation apply to suppliers of…


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Webinar: North Korean Forced Labor in the Global Supply Chain
iPoint Inc. will be hosting the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to discuss what…
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iPoint U.S. Customer Day 2017
On October 11, we are hosting our annual U.S. iPoint Customer Day in the Sheraton Hotel in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Addressed to OEMS and Suppliers, the…
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Live LCA: 1st US Industrial Interest Group Workshop in Ann Arbor, MI
Purpose of the Industrial Interest Group is to learn from the experience of different industry sectors, collect requirements and get feedback on…
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LCA XVII in Portsmouth, NH
Meet iPoint at the 2017 Life Cycle Assessment Conference in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, from October 3-5. This must-attend event for LCA knowledge…
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Webinar: Fast Tracking Your Material Compliance Data Collection Program
Learn how to get data on material compliance faster! As the landscape for materials compliance programs continues to change, companies are seeking…
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Life Cycle Workshop 2017 in Hamburg
On September 21, the ifu (Institute for Environmental IT) Hamburg is hosting a one-day Life Cycle Workshop in Hamburg. This year’s workshop focuses on…
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Business Leaders Forum to Combat Human Trafficking 2017 in Washington, DC
On September 5-6, the United Way Center on Human Trafficking & Slavery is hosting the 2017 Business Leaders Forum to Combat Human Trafficking in…
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International Life Cycle Management Conference in Luxembourg
Don't miss the chance to meet iPoint at the Life Cycle Management Conference 2017 from September 3-6 in Luxembourg City. This year’s conference is…
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5th Responsible Sourcing and Supply Chain Compliance
During this Marcus Evans conference you will join Takeda Pharmaceuticals, TE Connectivity, Dell and others to discuss strategies in ethical sourcing…
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Webinar: What does a Verdantix Award winning Material Compliance Program look like?
This webinar provided an overview of the Material Compliance Program and emphasize the best practices and metrics that were featured as part of the…
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AIAG Conflict Minerals Industry Briefing VI
For the sixth time in a row, iPoint is sponsoring and exhibiting at the AIAG Conflict Minerals Industry Briefing event. The event on June 7, 2017,…
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ITI & IPC Conference on Emerging & Critical Environmental Product Requirements
The event will take place on: • JUNE 5 in SAN JOSE, California in Four Points by Sheraton San Jose Airport • JUNE 7 in NORTHWEST CHICAGO, Illinois in…
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CLEPA Materials Regulations Event 2017
The next CLEPA Materials Regulations Event (formerly called CLEPA IMDS Suppliers’ Group meeting) will take place on May 17, 2017, in Germany in the…
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AIAG CR Summit 2017 in Novi
On May 2 and 3, 2017, the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) is hosting its annual Corporate Responsibility (CR) Summit in Novi, Michigan. This…
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11th OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains in Paris
Meet iPoint's experts from May 2-4, 2017, in Paris at the 11th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains. Jointly organised by the…
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The 2016 Anti-Slavery Compliance Study – Trends & Good Practices
A recently released benchmarking report evaluated brands on their anti-slavery disclosure compliance under the California Transparency in Supply…
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Toxicological Risk Assessment & Product Safety Forum 2017
Meet iPoint's experts on February 15, 2017, at the Toxicological Risk Assessment & Product Safety Forum in Singapore. The event focuses on how…
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Responsible Business Outreach Meeting in Brussels
Meet iPoint’s experts on January 26 at the EICC- and CSR Europe-hosted European Responsible Business Outreach Meeting in Brussels, Belgium. The…


Companies’ Anti-Slavery Performance Improves Globally, New Report Reveals
According to a new benchmarking report, companies’ anti-slavery compliance and actions have improved in 2016. Funded by iPoint and prepared by…
New: Anti-Slavery Reporting Template eLRT
In November 2016, iPoint launched the electronic Labor Rights Template (eLRT). The free, open-access, Excel-based, business-to-business reporting tool…
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iPoint Joins UN Global Compact
On August 7, 2017, iPoint was officially welcomed as a participant of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Launched in 2000, the UNGC has become…
The new CSR Reporting Directive of the EU
Starting with the fiscal year 2017, large listed entities with more than 500 employees will have to disclose relevant non-financial information on…
Innovation Awards for iPoint
In May 2017, independent research firm Verdantix recognized iPoint’s customer Emerson with an Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) Innovation Award.…
Digital Circular Economy – The Digital Revolution of the Circular Economy
In contrast to the linear economy (take, make, use, dispose), the circular economy approach does not see an absolute end to a product or process.…
The Life Cycle Perspective in the New ISO 14001:2015 Standard
Following publication of the environmental management standard ISO 14001:2015 on September 15, 2015, the transition period for replacing the old ISO…
France passes due diligence law
On April 24, 2013, more than 1,000 people in Bangladesh lost their lives when the textiles factory they worked at collapsed. At that time, a number of…


RT @GoalsYearbook: Companies must fulfill their due diligence obligations carefully, among other reasons, because relevant stakeholders cou…
RT @GPTInnovations: At #COP26: The Carbon Transparency Partnership just launched a framework for calculating #emissions from #supplychains.…
RT @GoalsYearbook: The year 2021 has seen an increase in legislative initiatives regulating human rights and the environmental due diligenc…
RT @INATBA_org: Check out our new infographic from our #blockchain for #socialimpact report to learn more about the role of the @UN #SDGs a…
RT @jlauxi: Darf ich vorstellen: Ritter iPoint - Hüter der Nachhaltigkeit. ⁦@iPointWorld⁩ #iPoint ⁦@fff_reutlingen⁩ ⁦@GrueneReutlingn⁩ ⁦@I…