Welcome to iPoint's News Archive!


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Vacation Close-Down 2018/19
From December 24th, 2018, to January 6th, 2019, iPoint's headquarters in Reutlingen as well as our offices in Munich and Vienna are closed for…
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Customer magazine "iPoints" 06
  Our customer magazine iPoints keeps you up to date about product innovations and provides the latest news about iPoint, compliance, and…
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iPoint's Christmas Donation 2018
iPoint-systems already has a long-standing tradition of using the holiday season as an opportunity to provide financial support to non-profit and…
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iPoint Among Most Trustworthy Companies of 2018
We are proud to announce that iPoint-systems has been honored as one of the ’50 Most Trustworthy Companies of the Year 2018’ by The Silicon Review…
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RMI Annual Conference 2018 in Santa Clara
iPoint is joining the 10-year anniversary of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) Annual Conference from October 31 – November 2 in Santa Clara,…
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New: Our Sustainability Report 2017/2018
iPoint places sustainability at the forefront of everything that we do. We do not only support and accompany other companies on their way to…
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Global Goals Yearbook 2018 Published
iPoint contributes article on the Digital Circular Economy
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New Blockchain Startup Co-founded by iPoint Aims At Harmonizing Supply Chain Compliance & Sustainability Workflows
Melbourne & Berlin – August 1, 2018: How can we harness blockchain technology to make the world a better, safer, more sustainable place? Driven by…
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Towards a Digital Circular Economy
Take – make – use – dispose. This is the still prevailing linear economy system. Products which are thrown away, buried in landfills, or burnt at the…
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iPoint receives Circular Economy support from European Commission
We're excited to announce that iPoint has been selected by the European Commission out of hundreds of applications to join the Scale-Up Circular…
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Customer magazine "iPoints" 05
Our customer magazine iPoints keeps you up to date about product innovations and provides the latest news about iPoint, compliance, and…
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Preventing Worldwide Human Rights Abuses
Regulations such as the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (2010), the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive (2014), and the UK Modern…
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iPoint Receives Funding for Blockchain-based Minerals Traceability System
iPoint’s proposal for a “Blockchain-based traceability and data reporting system in Rwanda” has been selected as one of only four projects to receive…
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Speed up your REACH Information Request Processes
The new iPoint Compliance Agent (iPCA) REACH Letter module supports you in fulfilling the legal requirements of the European chemicals regulation…
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iPoint Takes Over Industry Leader in Life Cycle Assessment and Material Flow Cost Accounting
iPoint-systems continues its growth course. Since December 2017, ifu Institute for Environmental IT Hamburg is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the iPoint…
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7 New SVHCs added to REACH Candidate List
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added seven new substances of very high concern (SVHC) to the Candidate List and updated the entry for…


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Boosting Circularity among SMEs, Brussels
On December 6 and 7, the European Commission is organizing the two-day event “Boosting Circularity among SMEs” in Brussels, Belgium. The event gives…
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Webinar: SustainHub Roadmap 2019
Join Sebastian Dehlinger, Product Manager of the SustainHub, on Dec. 5th in this free 30 min webinar and get innovative insights and an exclusive …
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Going Green – CARE INNOVATION 2018, Vienna
On November 26-29, the Going Green – CARE INNOVATION 2018 conference and exhibition on Electronics and the Environment takes place at Schoenbrunn…
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8th avniR Conference in Lille, France
The 8th avniR Conference focuses on the topic "Life Cycle Thinking for leading managers". It will take place in Lille, France, from November 7-8. The…
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RMI Annual Conference 2018 in Santa Clara
iPoint is joining the 10-year anniversary of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) Annual Conference from October 31 – November 2 in Santa Clara,…
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Oracle OpenWorld 2018 in San Francisco
From October 22-25, the Oracle OpenWorld 2018 will take place in San Francisco. The annual Oracle convention for business decision-makers, IT…
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The Business Booster in Copenhagen
Meet iPoint at The Business Booster (TBB) in Copenhagen from October 17-18. The annual two-day international networking event brings together more…
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7th KONGRESS BW in Karlsruhe, Germany
From October 17-18, the 7th Congress for Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy of the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg (KONGRESS BW) will take…
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Webinar: The new California Proposition 65 Warning Regulations
Join Eva Hink and Marcos Medalla to get an update on the new warning label changes and learn how to keep your company in compliance. > Read more
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Digimat Users' Conference 2018 in Prague
Meet iPoint at Digimatum 2018, the Digimat Users' Conference 2018, from October 9-11 in Prague, Czech Republic. Digimat, the material and structure…
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Circular Economy and Web3 Technologies Event in Melbourne
We’re excited to announce that Maroye Marinkovic, Co-Founder of and Chief Operations Officer at CircularTree, has been invited to join a panel…
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EcoBalance 2018 in Tokyo, Japan
Since its establishment in 1994, the Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance has been organized by the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment,…
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Webinar: Material Compliance Using SAP Just Got a Lot Easier
To stay competitive in today’s global market, it takes more than just great design and competitive pricing – success increasingly hinges on developing…
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AIAG 2018 IMDS & Product Chemical Compliance Conference
iPoint is once again excited and proud to be a part of the 2018 IMDS & Product Chemical Compliance Conference of the AIAG, which will take place from…
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LCA XVIII in Fort Collins, CO
Meet our experts from September 25-27 at the 2018 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) XVIII Conference in Fort Collins, Colorado. This must-attend annual…
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U.S. 2018 iPoint Customer Conference
On September 25, we are hosting our annual U.S. iPoint Customer Conference in the Sheraton Hotel in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Addressed to OEMS and…
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Life Cycle Innovation Conference 2018 in Berlin
Meet iPoint from August 29 to 31 at the Life Cycle Innovation Conference (LCIC 2018) in Berlin. Bringing together a diverse crowd of life cycle…
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Webinar: Watch CiDER in action
  We are launching a new application called CiDER that will take compliance and sustainability beyond reporting and organisational boundaries by…
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iPoint Customer Day 2018
We are delighted to announce that the iPoint Customer Day will take place on June 26, 2018, in Reutlingen, Germany. Throughout the content-rich day,…
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Webinar: Achieve REACH Art. 33 compliance - easy and efficient
Companies have to inform their customers about SVHC candidate substances in their articles according to art. 33 of the REACH regulation (EU …
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AIAG Conflict Minerals Industry Briefing VII
For the seventh time in a row, iPoint is sponsoring and exhibiting at the AIAG Conflict Minerals Industry Briefing. The event will take place on June…
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ACHEMA 2018 in Frankfurt
From June 11 to 15, 2018, ACHEMA, the World Forum and Leading Show for the Process Industries, will take place in Frankfurt, Germany. This year’s…
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2018 Sustainability Leaders Congress in Berlin
Meet us on May 23 and 24 in Berlin at the 2018 Sustainability Leaders Congress – a brand new platform to network with peers, meet the movers and…
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European Research Seminar 2018 in Rotterdam
On May 17 and 18, 2018, the European Research Seminar will take place in Rotterdam. The annual meeting is connected to the European Council of Supply…
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ISPCE Symposium 2018 in San Jose
Meet iPoint’s experts from May 14-16, 2018, at the annual IEEE Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering (ISPCE) in San Jose, California. Hosted by…
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AIAG CR Summit 2018 in Novi
  On April 18 and 19, 2018, the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) is hosting its annual Corporate Responsibility (CR) Summit in Novi, Michigan.…
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12th OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains in Paris
Meet iPoint's experts from April 17-19, 2018, in Paris at the 12th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains. Jointly organised by…
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Webinar: SustainHub - 2018 Product Roadmap
International regulations as well as customer requirements for environmental, social, and materials compliance are constantly increasing in number…
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German Economic Efficiency Forum
On March 21, 2018, the fifth edition of the German Economic Efficiency Forum (“Effizienz Forum Wirtschaft“) will take place in Ahlen, Germany. The…
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Verdantix HSE Summit Europe 2018 in London
iPoint’s CEO and founder Joerg Walden will be a panelist at the Verdantix HSE Summit Europe 2018, which will take place at the Twickenham Stadium…
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2018 EHS & Sustainability Software & Data Management Conference in St. Petersburg, FL
Meet iPoint from March 5-7, 2018, in St. Petersburg, Florida, at the EHS and Sustainability Software and Data Management Conference of NAEM, the…
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Webinar: iPoint and ifu
On December 1, 2017, the ifu Institute for Environmental IT Hamburg became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the iPoint Group. This expansion of the iPoint…
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IHS Markit New Year's Briefing 2018
On February 6 and 7, 2018, the traditional IHS Markit New Year’s Briefing will take place in Frankfurt, Germany. It will provide an early view of 2018…


Sankey Diagram: Tasty Christmas Special
If you wish to delight all of your colleagues with a tasty christmas present, here is a simple recipe for a huge amount of cookies: Ingredients: 3000…
Material Flow Cost Accounting for strategic business decisions
Material Flow Cost Accounting, or MFCA, is most widely known as an instrument used by manufacturing companies to improve material efficiency. The…
Chocolate efficiently produced: Energy management at Ritter Sport
Ritter Sport, the well-known German producer of chocolate bars in the distinctive, square package, offers a wide range of confections, each wrapped in…
SustainHub Roadmap 2019
Free Webinar: Innovative insights and an exclusive outlook on the SustainHub Join Sebastian Dehlinger, Product Manager of SustainHub, on Dec. 5th in…
France’s Due Diligence Law – Loi sur le devoir de vigilance
On April 24, 2013, more than 1,000 people in Bangladesh lost their lives when the textiles factory they worked at collapsed. At that time, a number of…
Sankey Skyscraping – Visualizing the huge energy demand in cement production
On a global scale, which product is produced the most in weight per year – steel, cement, plastic or paper? Would you have known the answer to this…
Smart Microorganisms at Work: Turning Waste into Bioplastic
How a waste product like pentose wood sugars is transformed into bioplastic and can be used as a new resource for plastic coatings and packaging. So…
Blockchain for Circular Supply Chain
Blockchain technology enables us to digitize and streamline the supply chain workflows to improve efficiency, reduce costs and improve management of…
Are you ready for Brexit? Check your Brexit-Readiness
On March 29th 2017, the United Kingdom notified the European Council of its intention to withdraw from the European Union, thereby triggering a…
Together, we bring fw: transparency
At iPoint, we bring fw: transparency and places it at the forefront of everything that we do. Digital pathfinders. How to pave the way for a…
New standard ISO 50001 for energy management places increased demands on companies
Recertification of an energy management system according to ISO 50001 has become more demanding – or why a requirement in the accreditation standard…
Lids against Polio
Poliomyelitis, more commonly referred to as polio, is an illness that has been almost completely eradicated with there being only a few known cases in…
fw: transparency 2019 – Save the date!
Under the slogan: “Latest Trends in Product Compliance and Sustainability – Integration as a Key to the Circular Economy” an international audience…
Life Cycle Impact Assessment – which are the LCIA indicator sets most widely used by practitioners?
Whenever someone starts his or her first LCA study, one of the questions to be answered is, which of the available LCIA methods should be used? There…
Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery – how to mitigate financial and reputational risk
According the latest Global Slavery Index (GSI), released in July 2018, it can be estimated that were 40.3 million victims of modern slavery and human…
The new California Proposition 65 Warning Regulations
The California Proposition 65 is a California Law that came into effect in 1986. Its goal is to protect residents of California from exposition to…
A Sankey Diagram Says More Than 1.000 Pie Charts
What are Sankey diagrams? Engineers and environmental scientists will be able to answer this question: Sankey diagrams visualize mass or energy flows…
Facing the regulatory challenges of the aftermarket
OEMs and their suppliers are facing multiple regulatory challenges when it comes to the so called aftermarket. Spare parts including services have to…
“Let’s stop re-inventing the wheel with everybody starting from the scratch when creating a material and energy flow model!”
Do you still rerecord, what you thought and expected when you started with your first flow model of a real world production system? I remember that…
Ökobilanz von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien – komplexer als man denkt
Mit dem zunehmenden Einsatz von Elektrofahrzeugen gibt es viel Wirbel um ihre Umweltverträglichkeit. Während die Auswirkungen des Betriebs von E-Autos…
Effizienzpotenziale erschließen in der Recyclingbranche
Anfang des Jahres begleitete ein Expertenteam der ifu Hamburg GmbH, Member of iPoint Group, einen Initial-Workshop bei MinERALiX, einem auf das…
Kongress-Highlights des BatterieForum Deutschland
Andreas Genest von ifu Hamburg, Member of iPoint Group, nahm vom 23. bis 25. Januar am BatterieForum Deutschland 2019 in Berlin teil. Die dreitägige…
Keiner im Betrieb hätte das gedacht: Bemerkenswerte MFCA-Ergebnisse bei C&C Bark
Das Familienunternehmen C & C Bark Metalldruckguss und Formenbau GmbH stellt Magnesiumdruckgüsse für verschiedene Zwecke her. Mit Hilfe der ifu…
MFCA-Hamburg – Leuchttürme der Ressourceneffizienz
Wie machen wir die Hamburger Industrie effizienter und nachhaltiger? Um dieser Frage zu begegnen, wurde das Projekt „MFCA-Hamburg“ als Kooperation von…
Eine nachhaltige Zukunft im Visier: Ressourceneffizienz steigern durch Digitalisierung
Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 stehen in der produzierenden Industrie hoch im Kurs. Für viele Unternehmen stehen diese beiden Begriffe zentral für…
Materialflusskostenrechnung für strategische Entscheidungen
Die Materialflusskostenrechnung, kurz MFCA, ist bekannt als ein Ansatz, der von produzierenden Unternehmen zur Verbesserung der Materialeffizienz…
Quadratisch. Praktisch. Effizient. – Energiemanagement bei Ritter Sport
Ritter Sport, der bekannte deutsche Hersteller von Schokoriegeln in der „quadratisch, praktisch, guten“ Verpackung, bietet eine große Auswahl an…
Sankey Skyscraping – Visualisierung des enormen Energiebedarfs der Zementproduktion
Welches Produkt wird weltweit am meisten produziert – Stahl, Zement, Kunststoff oder Papier? Hätten Sie die Antwort auf diese 1-Millionen-Euro-Frage…
Clevere Mikroorganismen am Werk: Aus Abfall wird Biokunststoff
So genannte Biokraftstoffe der ersten Generation basieren auf Materialien wie Mais, Zuckerrohr, Weizen oder Raps. Sie basieren somit auf den gleichen…
Towards a Digital Circular Economy
Take – make – use – dispose is causing increasingly scarce resources, environmental pollution and social exploitation. This is the still prevailing…
Neue Norm ISO 50001 zum Energiemanagement stellt erhöhte Anforderungen an Unternehmen
Rezertifizierung des Energiemanagementsystems nach ISO 50001 ist anspruchsvoller geworden – oder warum eine Anforderung in der Akkreditierungsnorm ISO…
Welcome to the iPoint Blog!
We are delighted to present you with news and information on the topics and solutions of the iPoint Group. To succeed in today’s global market, it…
The objective of innovation management is to turn great ideas into financially successful products or services. This process used to take place mainly…
Speed up your REACH Information Request Processes
The new iPoint Compliance Agent (iPCA) REACH Letter module supports you especially in fulfilling the legal requirements of the European chemicals…
Carbon Footprints in der Energiebranche: Experteninterview
Dr. Aleksandra Drewko ist Beraterin der EHA Energie-Handels-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. EHA ist ein deutscher Energiedienstleister und eine Tochter der…
Für die CO2-Bilanz von der Kostenrechnung lernen
Eine Ökobilanz oder Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) ist vereinfacht ausgedrückt eine Aufgabe, die alle umweltrelevanten Auswirkungen eines Verfahrens…
Thailand‘s pioneer in reducing GHG emissions: Expert interview
I’d like to introduce you to Kularb Kimsri, Vice President at the Global Standard System Centre of Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited…
Twenty Years in the Making: a Review the 20th Umberto User Workshop
A 20th anniversary is often a marked event, so it was fitting that this year’s Umberto User Workshop was held in Heidelberg, the same venue as the…
Social Life Cycle Analysis: Why Does It Lurk In the Shadow of Environmental LCA?
The term “Life Cycle Analysis” (LCA) is largely assumed to be the technique used for the assessment of the total environmental impact associated with…
Daten für die Ökobilanz: Kooperation entlang des Produktlebenszyklus
Wann sind Sie und Ihre Zulieferer besonders auf die Kooperation entlang des Lebenszyklus angewiesen?Die Zusammenarbeit über die gesamte…
Data collection for LCAs: collaboration along the product life cycle
Gathering quality data is one of the biggest challenges in producing accurate LCAs. In an interview with Victor Vladimirov, environment and energy…
Obtain LCA data from suppliers – Insights from a sustainability consultant
Rebecca LeBlanc is a sustainability consultant at “Strategic Sustainability Consulting” in Boston, USA. Her experience shows that giving the context…
Beyond the Isolated Approach: How to Better Optimise Resource Efficiency in the Chemical Industry
The importance of resource efficiency within industry has gained significant traction in recent years, and is now firmly established as an effective…
How material flow cost accounting reduces food wastage
Everyone agrees that food should not be wasted. Given its huge environmental footprints and the ethical concerns, wastage of animal-based products is…
Der Weg von Energie- zu Materialeffizienz – Geschäftsführer der Energy Consulting Allgäu im Interview
Wer ist Energy Consulting Allgäu?Unser Schwerpunkt ist die Beratung von Unternehmen aus Industrie und Gewerbe in Fragen von Energie- Material- und…
Climate protection – cost reduction: Resource efficiency analyses in the chemical industry
Reduced energy consumption, less material usage and consequently lower production costs. These are the summarised results of a software-based resource…
Interview with Matthias Voigtmann, CEO of Energy Consulting Allgäu
Who is Energy Consulting Allgäu?Our focus is to consult manufacturing and trade companies in matters of energy, material, and resource efficiency. We…
Materialflusskostenrechnung: Ressourceneffizienz leicht gemacht
Zahlreiche Unternehmen geraten zunehmend unter Druck, wenn es darum geht, die Auswirkungen ihrer Aktivitäten auf die Umwelt zu minimieren und den…
Product Carbon Footprints at FRoSTA: Expert interview
Urban Buschmann is Head of Sustainability and Process Development at FRoSTA, one of the biggest producers of frozen products in Europe. In this recent…
CO2-Fußabdruck für Produkte bei der FRoSTA AG: Experteninterview
Urban Buschmann ist Leiter Nachhaltigkeit und Verfahrensentwicklung bei der FRoSTA AG, einer der großen Hersteller von Tiefkühlprodukten in Europa.…
Energieeffizienz-Netzwerke: Best Practice Beispiel
Bis zum Jahr 2020 sollen in Deutschland etwa 500 regionale und branchenspezifische Energieeffizienz-Netzwerke auf freiwilliger Basis entstehen. Das…
Chancen und Herausforderungen in Energieeffizienz-Netzwerken: Experteninterview
Vera Schürmann ist geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin von Arcanum Energy. Als Dienstleister, Berater und Partner, bietet Arcanum maßgeschneiderte…
How Traditional Cost Accounting Methods Resolve Carbon Footprint Issues
Life cycle assessment (LCA), in simplified definition, is a task that uncovers all environmental effects a process or a product creates. It is a…
3 Alternative Ideas for Waste Management in Developing Countries
Unlike the global north, most developing countries have difficulties affording sophisticated industrial machinery. Predictable economic conditions for…


RT @GoalsYearbook: Companies must fulfill their due diligence obligations carefully, among other reasons, because relevant stakeholders cou…
RT @GPTInnovations: At #COP26: The Carbon Transparency Partnership just launched a framework for calculating #emissions from #supplychains.…
RT @GoalsYearbook: The year 2021 has seen an increase in legislative initiatives regulating human rights and the environmental due diligenc…
RT @INATBA_org: Check out our new infographic from our #blockchain for #socialimpact report to learn more about the role of the @UN #SDGs a…
RT @jlauxi: Darf ich vorstellen: Ritter iPoint - Hüter der Nachhaltigkeit. ⁦@iPointWorld⁩ #iPoint ⁦@fff_reutlingen⁩ ⁦@GrueneReutlingn⁩ ⁦@I…