Meet iPoint on April 6 at the second session of the #circularNEXT North America Series 2021, which will focus on the question “Circular Supply Chains: End of Global Trade?”. Hosted by Innovation Texas Project and the International Circular Economy Initiative, the panelists will discuss how global trade and supply chains will look like in a post-COVID era and what role the Circular Economy model can play in the disruption of traditional global trade. We’re excited to announce that iPoint CEO and Co-Founder Joerg Walden will be a panelist, along with Deborah Dull (GE Digital and Founder Circular Supply Chain Network), Anna Cecilia Martinez (Red Iberoamericana de Medio Ambiente), Jad Oseyran (Wisebrick), and Adebayo Adeleke (Adebayo Adeleke LLC).
Click here for registration and more information on this free event.