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Environmental Compliance: Software Solutions Gain in Importance

Reutlingen, October 04, 2012 – How can environmental compliance, that is adhering to environmental legislation requirements like the EU-regulation REACH, be checked efficiently? This big compliance topic has occupied companies for years, especially from the automotive and electrical/electronics industry. This is also confirmed by regular surveys of OEMs and suppliers, carried out by iPoint-systems.

Since 2007, the software and consulting expert iPoint-systems surveys its customers, including 13 OEMs, about current and future challenges concerning environmental compliance. The evaluation of this year’s survey has revealed two closely related hot topics: On the one hand, there is a high demand for solutions that provide easy and cost-effective ways of checking compliance with environmental standards in the company and across the supply chain. On the other hand, the European chemicals directive REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals), entered into force in 2007, with its clear standards concerning the marketing and use of chemical substances, still poses huge challenges for OEMs and suppliers. The handling of REACH-relevant safety data sheets (SDS), for example, requires a considerable amount of time and money which can only be limited via automatized data acquisition and preparation.

“Compliance means responsibility and transparency – this is confirmed by the recent feedback from our customers. This implies: Only who, as an OEM or supplier, knows exactly which product contains which substances is on the safe side”, states Jörg Walden, CEO of iPoint-systems. “Keeping track of this across complex supply chains is one of the greatest challenges here.“

iPoint’s software solutions, which comprise a range of modules for environmental compliance and sustainability (e. g., REACH, ROHS, ELV), provide users this overview via automatized data acquisition and preparation. Moreover, the customers are directly involved in the ongoing further development of the iPoint-solutions: Within the frame of regular OEM- and Supplier-Days the wishes and requirements of iPoint’s customers are determined, jointly discussed and ranked, and this ranking provides the basis for subsequent extensions and the development of additional software modules. For its innovative excellence and customer focus iPoint-systems was awarded the quality seal “Top 100” and, as one of the three main award winners, was honored as “Innovator of the Year 2012”.

About iPoint-systems:

iPoint is a worldwide leading expert in environmental product compliance and sustainability, focusing on software for managing, tracking, and reporting across the whole supply chain, from product concept over the production and use, to recycling and reuse. iPoint delivers adaptive and comprehensive software solutions that give the visibility and control customers seek in managing compliance and sustainability. For more information, visit www.point-systems.com

Contact and further information:

iPoint-systems gmbh

Christoph Junk

Leiter Marketing

Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 52-56

D-72760 Reutlingen

Tel.: +49 (7121) 1 44 89-60

Fax: +49 (7121) 1 44 89-89


Communication Consultants GmbH Engel & Heinz

René Jochum

Jurastr. 8

D-70565 Stuttgart

Tel.: +49 (711) 9 78 93-35

Fax: +49 (711) 9 78 93-44
