You want to learn more about conformance and interoperability testing for eBusiness standards, but have missed the Webinars organized by the Global eBusiness Interoperability Test Bed (GITB) Initiative? Recordings as well as slides are now available at
The following webinars have taken place until now:
• GITB-A: Global eBusiness Interoperability Test Bed Methodologies (GITB) – Testing Framework, Architecture and Demonstration
Target group: SDOs and industry associations, testing experts, integration and eBusiness specialists from software vendors and users Presenters: Jacques Durand (Fujitsu Inc., US), Nenad Ivezic (NIST), Yildiray Kabak (SRDC), Hyunbo Cho (Postech), Chrisitine Legner (Université de Lausanne)
• GITB-B: Introduction to Global eBusiness Interoperability Test Bed Methodologies (GITB) in Public Procurement
Target group: Participants in the PEPPOL initiative, users, software vendors, testing experts, SDOs and industry associations in eGovernment Presenters: Oriol Bausà (Invinet), Yildiray Kabak (SRDC), Christine Legner (Université de Lausanne)
• GITB-C: Introduction to Global eBusiness Interoperability Test Bed Methodologies (GITB) in the Automotive Industry
Target group: users, software vendors, testing experts, SDOs and industry associations in the Automotive industry Presenters: Tim Fowler (AIAG), Christine Legner (Université de Lausanne), Jacques Durand (Fujitsu Inc.)
If you are interested in using GITB or contributing to the GITB specifications and proof-of-concept implementations, please send the attached Statement of Interest to Cher Bouwer, or contact the project secretary, Jaap van der Marel.