Meet iPoint at the ECHA SCIP Database Cross-sector Conference on July 3rd – a virtual event including video recordings and live Q&A sessions. Hosted by the chemical safety and regulatory intelligence network Chemical Watch, the virtual event offers the latest updates and advice on reporting requirements for the European Chemical Agency’s (ECHA) database SCIP – short for Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products) – established under the Waste Framework Directive (WFD).
The key topics at this conference are
ECHA's perspective and updates
The industry experience of using and reporting into the SCIP database
SCIP database best practices,
and SCIP database uses and data communication
We’re excited that our colleague Sushma Kittali-Weidner, Director, U.S. Operations, will be presenting on the topic of "How to achieve due diligence with your SCIP reporting" at 11:30 BST / 12:30 CEST. The presentation will focus on an iterative approach for SCIP Reporting by leveraging existing data and how companies can continuously improve to achieve due diligence. Make sure to join the virtual conference and connect with our colleague directly via the live Q&A session after her presentation.
Learn more about the event and register here.
Learn more about ECHA’s SCIP Database here.