Our CAMDS Compliance Solution
With iPoint’s CAMDS & IMDS software solution, you can convert and anonymize data sheets from IMDS to CAMDS in a highly automatized process – without having to reveal business-sensitive information about your supply chain, suppliers, etc. iPoint’s solution subsequently lets you send the created data sheet to CAMDS and the customer in CAMDS automatedly.
95.5 % automatic conversion
Based on the feedback from our customers, our IMDS-CAMDS converter manages to convert about 95.5% of the IMDS Material Data Sheets (MDS) without any manual interaction. For the few remaining MDS only small manual changes were required to complete the conversion.
Reduced efforts for CAMDS datasheet creation
The effort required to create CAMDS data sheets, based on customer feedback, is less than 20% of manual data entry with the iPoint solution

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What is CAMDS?
In late 2015, Chinese authorities issued a specification detailing the information automotive OEMs are required to deliver for a type approval. This means that OEMs now not only have to collect information on materials for the International Material Data System (IMDS), but also for the China Automotive Material Data System (CAMDS), a product data management platform developed by CATARC (China Automotive Technology & Research Center) and several Chinese OEMS.
In addition to IMDS data, every automotive manufacturing company also has to provide CAMDS data to the customers and authorities. However, the supplier data are not available, and the process has to be put in motion by the entire supply chain, from the bottom to the top. When IMDS was introduced, the learning curve of this process extended over a period of five years.
Although the learning curve is likely to be shorter in the case of CAMDS, since all the relevant data and processes are already in place due to IMDS-related efforts, companies are dealing with a duplication of efforts, since CAMDS-convenient supplier data are not available at short notice. As long as a company doesn’t have supplier data in CAMDS, these data can only be transferred manually from IMDS into CAMDS. This is a very cumbersome and error-prone process if not implemented by experienced experts.