Meet iPoint on September 1st at the Electronics Goes Green Conference 2020 – a scientific conference that explores the facets of green electronics. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference, hosted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (Fraunhofer IZM), will be an on-demand virtual event of pre-recorded presentations combined with the live event on September 1.
The live event will include keynote presentations, live discussions, and feedback formats which allow the conference community to meet in a virtual venue. The pre-recorded video presentations will be available 10 days prior and a couple of weeks after the conference, starting on August 20. Also, there will be virtual interactive workshops between August 21-28.
Some of the topics covered at the conference include
Digitalization and the Environment
The role of advanced ICT and electronics
5G roll-out
Product design solutions for resource efficiency
Global policy updates
Best practice for global environmental policy alignment, legal compliance and market surveillance
Conflict-free and fair-trade electronics
Data management and traceability along the supply chain
Life Cycle Assessment of electronics
Business models for a Circular Economy
We’re excited that iPoint will be contributing the following presentations on August 20:
“Reaching Carbon-neutrality with Role-based Access to LCA Information of Materials, Parts and Components” – Andreas Schiffleitner (iPoint-Austria GmbH), Martina Prox (ifu Hamburg GmbH, Member of iPoint Group), and Anne Wahl (iPoint-systems GmbH)
“What to Expect from Data-driven Sustainable Product Management? Insights from Industry Cases and PLM Solution Providers” – Andreas Schiffleitner (iPoint-Austria GmbH) with Josef Peter Schöggl, Magdalena Rusch, and Rupert Baumgartner (University of Graz, Christian Doppler Laboratory for Sustainable Product Management enabling a Circular Economy)
“How to Collect and Prepare the Data for SCIP Database Reporting” – Angelika Maria Steinbrecher (iPoint-systems GmbH), Eva Susanne Hink (iPoint-systems GmbH), and Andreas Schiffleitner (iPoint-Austria GmbH)
Learn more about the Conference on the Electronics Goes Green website.