GRI and RLI Recommend eLRT
| eLRT News

GRI and RLI Recommend eLRT

In December 2019, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Responsible Labor Initiative (RLI), an Initiative of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), launched a new toolkit to advance reporting on modern slavery. The aim of the toolkit is to provide guidance mainly for downstream companies on reporting on due diligence and supportive measures related to modern slavery across the value chain, at any level of reporting experience.



We are proud that iPoint’s electronic Labor Rights Template (eLRT) is listed and recommended as one of the tools which “can provide valuable input and guidance for


  • reporting on due diligence and policies, […]

  • reporting on progress of implementing due diligence mechanisms, […] and

  • reporting on effectiveness of actions”.

The toolkit is available for download here.