They have excellent ingenuity at their disposal, exemplary innovation processes, and successfully bridge ideas with market success: the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany. On Friday, June 22, 2012, in Friedrichshafen they were awarded the quality seal “Top 100”. For the fourth time, iPoint-systems Inc. belongs to the distinguished companies – and as “Innovator of the Year 2012” to one of the three main award winners.
With its integration and compliance solutions, the globally operating software and consulting company has zeroed in on future issues such as resource saving and health and safety. In order to score highly against its international, in some cases considerably larger competitors, this small software company has to lead the way in innovation as well as specialization and networking. Therefore, iPoint’s senior management team regularly consults market researchers and technology analysts, and invites customers to contribute to innovations.
Moreover, Jörg Walden, iPoint’s founder and CEO, tracks developments and market trends in the US, China, and Taiwan. All of this is supplemented by consistent monitoring of legal standards concerning product licensing, health and safety issues, environmental compliance, resource conservation, and sustainability – and by iPoint’s leading role in the EU-research project “SustainHub” that was launched in February 2012 to develop a worldwide information platform for exchanging sustainability data in supply chains.
„Innovation is what drives and inspires me. That’s what I put my heart and my soul into”, Jörg Walden explains his commitment. The innovative strength and excellence impressed the “Top 100”-jury, which selected iPoint-Systems as Innovator of the Year 2012 in the size category A (up to 50 employees). Juror Prof. Utz Claassen: “iPoint-systems convinces by its ability to react to changing circumstances quickly. Due to its excellent monitoring processes, the company can detect new market developments. Moreover, customers are involved in the developing projects. Overall, the company’s management level excels in its extraordinarily strong commitment in innovation management.”
Prof. Nikolaus Franke and his team from the Vienna University of Economics and Business reviewed the innovation management of 281 mid tiers. The best of these companies were awarded the quality seal “Top 100”. Additionally, in each of the three size categories the high-quality jury selects an “Innovator of the Year”. Jörg Walden was very pleased to have reached a top position this year and highlighted the achievement of the whole team: “I see the quality seal as an award for the whole team. Its enthusiasm and creativity as well as its persistence in pursuing the goals are prerequisites for innovation. Our methods and processes are supported by our customers. The demonstrated success in direct comparison is exactly the extra incentive we wish for.”
In cooperation with the Vienna University of Economics and Business, compamedia, mentor of the best German medium-sized companies, honors 116 companies in total (100 in each of the three size categories at the maximum). These include 51 national market leaders and 20 global market leaders.
More Information:
By contacting you can request pictorial material of iPoint-systems Inc. Miscellaneous pictorial material from the award ceremony you can find at under the category Presse/Bildmaterial.
For queries and further information please contact:
iPoint-systems gmbh
Christoph Junk
Leiter Marketing
Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 52-56
D-72760 Reutlingen
Tel.: +49 (7121) 1 44 89-6 12
Fax: +49 (7121) 1 44 89-89
Communication Consultants GmbH Engel & Heinz
René Jochum
Jurastr. 8
D-70565 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (711) 9 78 93-35
Fax: +49 (711) 9 78 93-44