iPoint-systems already has a long-standing tradition of using the holiday season as an opportunity to provide financial support to non-profit and charitable organizations. As in the previous years, the compliance and sustainability expert has once again dispensed with Christmas gifts or cards for customers and partners, instead sponsoring different organizations and projects. 2018, iPoint has made donations to the association Wirbelwind e.V. in Reutlingen, to the German charity Praeventive Jugendhilfe, to the Food Bank of Hamburg (“Hamburger Tafel”) and to the international campaign Not For Sale. Many thanks for these suggestions from our employees!
The association Wirbelwind e.V., based in Reutlingen, stands up for the sexual self-determination of girls, boys as well as young adults and works against any form of sexual violence. The aim is to improve the social and psychological situation of children, adolescents and young adults who have experienced sexual violence. In addition to offering a central counselling centre, the association also carries out preventive public relations work, organises lectures and training courses, and is committed to providing accommodation and emergency admissions. With the donation to the association iPoint wants to create a stronger awareness for this difficult issue.
The ecumenical charity Praeventive Jugendhilfe, based in Tübingen, supports offers of help for vulnerable children and adolescents - including theatre productions, youth welfare stations and violence prevention. The youth welfare institutions protestant “Sophienpflege” in Tuebingen and catholic “Marienpflege” in Ellwangen are involved in this initiative. With this year's donation, iPoint would like to support the foundation projects that help children and adolescents to feel accepted and appreciated in our society.
Hamburger Tafel e.V.
The Food Bank of Hamburg (“Hamburger Tafel”) supports those in need with food that is no longer intended for sale. More than 100 volunteers collect approximately 40 tons of food per week and supply social institutions in Hamburg north of the Elbe river. For the Hamburger Tafel, anyone whose money is just enough to live on and has little or no money for things "to do something out of turn" is considered as in need. But while the number of people in need in Hamburg continues to rise, the number of donations is declining. This has prompted iPoint to counteract this trend and at the same time contribute to Goal 2 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: “Zero hunger”.
Not For Sale is an international non-profit based in San Francisco that works to end human trafficking and modern-day slavery around the world. Human trafficking is found in communities that lack economic opportunity and are plagued with environmental degradation. The non-profit organization grows self-sustaining social projects and businesses to create opportunities and return revenue to those who need it most. As a signatory of the UN Global Compact, iPoint wants to support this initiative as it is strongly committed to meeting Goal 8 of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: “Decent work and economic growth”.