The German journal CIT (Chemie Ingenieur Technik) recently published their focus issue “Industrielle Ressourcenstrategien für eine zirkuläre Wirtschaft” including an iPoint article on „Digital Product Passports as Enabler of the Circular Economy“ by Joerg Walden, iPoint CEO and co-founder, Angelika Steinbrecher, PhD, Senior Expert Compliance, Sustainability and Innovation, and Maroye Marinkovic, Business Development Manager.
The article covers the following topics:
- Introduction: Circular Economy and Digital Product Passport
- Circular Economy Adaption Challenges
- Digital Circular Economy
- Digital Product Passport
- The EU Battery Regulation as a Driver of the Circular Economy
Having examined the battery passport (EU battery regulation) as one of the first examples of a digital product passport required by law, the article ends with an outlook and conclusion for the Circular Economy.
You can access the whole article here.