The iPoint Group already has a long-standing tradition of using the holiday season as an opportunity to provide financial support to non-profit and charitable organizations. As in the previous years, we once again dispensed with Christmas gifts or cards for customers and partners, instead sponsoring different organizations and projects and supporting several different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), preferably near one of our locations. In 2021, iPoint made donations to the “sport makes you strong” project of the Bruderhaus Diakonie, “Ein Herz für Kinder”, Food Gatherers, Green City e.V., the PATRIZIA Foundation, and Welcome Dinner Hamburg. Many thanks to our employees for these suggestions!
“Sport makes you strong” project of the Bruderhaus Diakonie
Bruderhaus Diakonie maintains numerous facilities in the areas of youth welfare, assistance for the disabled, assistance for the elderly, social psychiatry, and employment and vocational training. The area of youth welfare includes outpatient, day-care and inpatient residential groups, assisted living for young people, help in raising children, day-care centers and schools. Located in the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, which is also where iPoint is headquartered, Bruderhaus Diakonie enables children and adolescents who live in its residential groups or are looked after in day groups to take part in various sports activities as part of the “Sports makes you strong” ("Sport macht stark") project. From soccer to running, mountain biking, capoeira, and yoga, there is something for everyone. Exercise strengthens health, stamina and discipline and promotes community and social behavior. Unfortunately, many families do not have the financial means for the necessary sports equipment. Donations can make it possible for children and adolescents to participate in the sports program and also help pay for coaches and travel expenses. At iPoint, we place great value on healthy exercise, including through our iAmFit campaign, and are pleased to support the Bruderhaus Diakonie and its sports project for children and adolescents, while also supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1 (No poverty), 3 (Good health and well-being), 10 (Reduced inequalities), and 11 (Sustainable cities and communities).
Ein Herz für Kinder
Hamburg-based “Ein Herz für Kinder” (A Heart for Children) is a charity organization initiated by publisher Axel Springer and the German newspaper Bild. Founded in 1978 as a campaign for more road safety in Germany, today the aid organization supports children and families in need, both in Germany and abroad. Since the association only supports specific projects, one hundred percent of all donations go to these projects. The funded projects are diverse and support, for example, children's hospitals, soup kitchens, kindergartens, and schools in Germany and around the world. Internationally, the organization provides, among other things, aid in war and disaster areas and supports life-saving operations. We are pleased to be able to help children in Germany and around the world with our donation and, in doing so, also support SDGs 1 (No poverty), 3 (Good health and well-being), 4 (Quality education), and 10 (Reduced inequalities).
Food Gatherers
The mission of Food Gatherers is “fighting hunger where we live” by alleviating hunger and eliminating its causes in the Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor, MI) community by:
- reducing food waste through the rescue and distribution of perishable and non-perishable food,
- coordinating with other hunger relief providers,
- educating the public about hunger, and
- developing new food resources.
The target demographics of the project are non-profit programs serving low-income adults, families, seniors, and children in Washtenaw County. Right now, there are 170 non-profit programs yearly, including hot meal programs, emergency food pantries, shelters, residential programs, and summer food programs benefiting directly. The programs of the food gatherers include a community Kitchen and the Summer Food Service Program. Monetary donations are a good way to help Food Gatherers to operate in the most flexible way to meet their community’s needs. With our donation, we can support not only this important work, but also the SDGs 1 (No poverty), 2 (Zero hunger), 3 (Good health and well-being), 4 (Quality education), SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities), and 11 (Sustainable cities and communities).
Green City e.V.
Green City e.V. has been campaigning for a green and sustainable Munich worth living in since 1990. In doing so, the association always has the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030 in mind. Active for more than 30 years, Green City e.V. is committed to livable (open) space in the city with many projects (e.g. Streetlife Festival, (PARK)ing Day), more green in the city (e.g., community gardens), education for sustainable development (e.g., Climate Kitchen, Bus with Feet, Cycling for Future), more climate protection in the city (e.g., Alliance for Clean Air, Climate Pact, Clothes Swap Parties), and improved mobility concepts (e.g., Cycling Decision, Regulars’ Table Mobility and Transport Change, City2Share). We are pleased to support many environmental projects and in particular the environmental work of Green City e.V. with our donation and at the same time to promote SDGs 3 (Good health and well-being), 4 (Quality education), 11 (Sustainable cities and communities), 13 (Climate action), and 15 (Life on land).
PATRIZIA Foundation
The aim of the PATRIZIA Foundation is to give as many children and young people as possible access to education worldwide in order to help them lead free and self-determined lives. With its children's homes, educational infrastructures are to be created where they are most urgently needed in order to help them help themselves. Together with local partners on site, the construction and long-term operation of schools, training centers, hospitals, or residential accommodation is planned. The PATRIZIA Foundation attaches great importance to sustainable thinking and action and, when new children's homes are built, commits itself as well as the local organizations to operate the facility for at least 25 years. We are happy to support the important work of PATRIZIA Foundation and its sustainable concept and at the same time contribute to supporting SDGs 4 (Quality education), 10 (Reduce inequalities), and 17 (Partnerships for the goals).
Welcome Dinner Hamburg
The "Welcome Dinner" association supports people throughout Germany (including Hamburg) with refugee experience or an immigrant background in making contacts by arranging joint dinners with German families. In addition, small events are organized frequently, e.g., in cooperation with the Syrian Embassy, to which women and children are also specifically invited. Since 2015, more than 10,000 people from 78 countries of origin have been able to participate in over 2,500 dinners. We are pleased to support the volunteer team behind the Welcome Dinner Hamburg with our donation. Monetary donations can be used to finance activities such as baking together at Christmas, barbecues in the summer, or cooking evenings for women and children. With this donation, iPoint can also support the implementation of SDGs 2 (Zero hunger), 10 (Reduced inequality), and 17 (Partnerships for the goals).
Learn more about iPoint’s sustainability commitment here.