From 6 to 8 September, the 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM) will take place in Lille, France. The focus is on practical solutions for implementing life cycle concepts in strategic and operational decision-making processes in academia, industry, NGOs, and public institutions.
At LCM 2023, LCM demonstrations from different phases are expected, e.g., from method development, testing of tools and methods, or LCM-driven success stories as market innovations. The aim is to discuss and advance the implementation of life cycle concepts along the value chains of companies in order to support ecological, social, and economic sustainability.
Meet iPoint's experts
We are very excited to be a sponsor of this important event and to present several of our approaches, results, and solutions on-site. Feel free to contact our colleagues Martina Prox or Andreas Froehlich at our booth, we are looking forward to exchanging ideas with you.
From our Research & Innovation Team, Pauline Langbehn will present a poster on "Life Cycle Assessment of Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Technologies, Challenges, and Problem-Solving Approaches" as part of the IDcycLIB research project.
The poster "Assessing Product Portfolios of Organizations – Automation of LCA" will be presented by our colleague Sabrina Neugebauer.
Our colleague Michelle Funk has worked on the topic "A methodological approach for implementing screening LCA into the early phases of product development" as part of the LiKE research project, which will be presented by Paul Hoffeins from the Institute for Lightweight Construction and Plastics Technology (TU Dresden) in the session "Product Design for sustainable Life Cycle Management".
Another contribution comes from Andreas Fröhlich, our Solution Consultant for Life Cycle Assessment & Sustainability. Together with Josef-Peter Schöggl from the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Sustainable Product Management at the University of Graz, he will give a presentation on iPoint's latest trend study. The title of the presentation is "Ambitions and challenges for carbon reduction: Insights from a global industry survey".
More information about the conference can be found here.